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[Webinar Sign-Up] Partner Perspective: Student Beans

Apr 21, 2022

Marketing Specialist

Partnerize works with some of the most successful and influential publisher partners in the industry. Our Partner Perspective series sets out to learn from the best of the best and pick up a few secrets to their success along the way.


In this installment, we highlight partner, Student Beans, with the help of their Head of Demand Generation, Matthew Mortimer.


Share a little about your company.

Student Beans creates lasting relationships between Gen Z and brands. Our suite of solutions help brands to find, attract, engage and convert verified students. And that’s just the start. Our extensive network of global media touchpoints, along with our conversion optimization tools, drive repeat purchases, building the habits that turn Gen Z into your lifelong customers. Student Beans can verify over 163 million students across 102 countries to drive student sales.


Please describe a typical day in your office.
Student Beans is a global team with working hubs in London, Manchester, New York and Australia. We are a remote first company, which enables staff to enjoy the benefit of working where they feel best.


What types of programs is your team looking to partner with?

Student Beans offers a wide range of products and services. We work with global brand partners, such as Gymshark, McDonalds and Amazon who utilise our conversion optimization tool, Connect. We work with affiliate networks, agencies and non-ecommerce companies who would like to reach Gen Z through our media suite. Our mission is to empower students to thrive and we do this by working with brands who are adored by Gen Z.


Can you share a success highlight from your partnership with Partnerize that really stands out to you?

We thoroughly enjoy working with Partnerize. A success highlight that stands out is our work with OnePlus. OnePlus wanted to gain a student verification partner, to increase awareness of their student program internationally and boost conversions. Working closely with their Student Beans Account Manager, they were able to set up our conversion optimization tool, Connect, in no time and started running strategic media around key dates in the student shopping calendar. One such date was Cyber Week their show stopping campaign included multiple ad placements and a tactical social extension campaign, underpinned by our propensity modelling to target students most receptive to the OnePlus brand, products and offer. From this, OnePlus saw a 300% uplift in codes and 420% uplift in revenue.


What Partnerize technology innovation has had the greatest impact on your team?
The real-time tracking has got to be the greatest impact for us.



What sets your company apart from others or makes it unique?
Student Beans provides end-to-end solutions for brand partners to run their own student discount program via our secure conversion optimisation technology. Brand partners have access to our vast community of highly engaged 16-24-year-old users. They can segment our users to target their ideal consumers, and make use of our Gen Z-centric marketing inventory to speak to them wherever and however they browse. As verified students, they’ll be more likely to engage – and purchase – from their brand. Our conversion and verification tool supports brand partners to grow their bespoke Gen Z database and drive repeat purchase behaviour from value-focused consumers – plus, they can speak to them in a language they understand via our Gen Z media suite.


What do you attribute your company’s success to with Partnerize?
We have a great working relationship with our Partner Development Manager and the rest of the Partnerize Account Management team, which makes working together to onboard and nurture advertisers smooth and beneficial for all parties.


What is one thing people should know about your company?

Student Beans exists to empower students to thrive – and we work alongside our brand partners to ensure that they can do the same.


What’s on the roadmap for your company?
BeansiD. It’s an audience verification technology that enables our brand partners to provide securely gated offers and incentives to verified members of specific consumer groups. Shopping looks different across every demographic – and each consumer tribe has their own preferences and habits, built up over time and hard-wired into their wider lives. BeansiD is the solution to identify and verify those tribes. Used by retailers and ecommerce businesses, it securely verifies that customers belong to a specific consumer group. BeansiD will verify students, Graduates, Healthcare professionals, Military, and more.


Three words that best describe your company…go!

Innovation, Aspiring, Speed Wins



To learn more about Student Beans, register to attend our upcoming Partner Perspective webinar. 

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