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[Webinar Sign-Up] Partner Perspective: Increasingly

Mar 10, 2022

Marketing Specialist

Partnerize works with some of the most successful and influential publisher partners in the industry. Our Partner Perspective series sets out to learn from the best of the best and pick up a few secrets to their success along the way.


In this installment, we highlight partner, Increasingly, with the help of their Solutions Director, James Page.


Share a little about your company.

Increasingly drives up average order value for brands and retailers. Our technology sells product bundles on-site and in Google Shopping, Facebook and Instagram. We help your customers buy and discover more delivering an average of 15% more for our clients.

We built Increasingly with one simple goal, to help retailers increase basket revenue. Your customers aren’t shopping for a single item, they want to complete a project, a look or a beauty regime. We help your customers find everything they need in one go. Our AI-powered ‘Frequently Bought Together’ bundling products power shopper convenience and deliver a personalised experience.

We are multi-award winning and we are trusted by world-leading brands including Samsung, AVON, Boots, HP and US Polo. It’s super simple to get live, we offer a fully managed service and we are paid on a risk-free performance basis or license fee model.


Please describe a typical day in your office.

We’re a global team with offices in London, Bangalore and Portugal, we’ve operated a flexible working environment before Covid so we found the transition relatively painless. As part of the Commercial team, I spend much of my time talking to retailers about our technology. However, the wider team are generally working on optimization strategies for clients, working on new product features and implementing new clients!


What types of programs is your team looking to partner with?

We work with any e-commerce retailers that have over 50 products and we require retailers to generate at least $3 Million in revenue per year. We can be easily implemented through any tag management system by simply copying and pasting a line of code. Core industries include health & beauty, consumer electronics, homewares and home improvement, industrial goods and fashion & apparel.


Can you share a success highlight from your partnership with Partnerize that really stands out to you?

Our joint work with Canon has been phenomenal, they have been a shared client for a number of years and we consistently drive uplifts in performance through our on-site product bundling tools tracked by yourself! 


What Partnerize technology innovation has had the greatest impact on your team?

It has to be said that the tracking through Partnerize is fantastic, it’s so great to work with a tracking technology that provides on-point accuracy every time. 


What sets your company apart from others or makes it unique?

Because our product is underpinned by AI technology, it accounts for changes in customer behaviour and spending patterns. We wanted to develop a platform that could provide a sustainable solution for brands looking to drive incremental revenue on-site. We do this by focusing on boosting AOV to help our customers to deliver revenue growth without the need for margin-diminishing discount strategies.


What do you attribute your company’s success to with Partnerize?

We use a combination of Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision and Neural Networks to form the foundation of our AI platform. It’s fully automated, standalone and typically drives +15% in incremental revenue for some of the world’s biggest brands. No other technology provider has the same level of precision as we do. 


What is one thing people should know about your company?

To get started with Increasingly all we need is our tag on your website. We’ll then manage everything from our side with no development resources or third-party involvement needed. Our product bundling features will match your brand and you’ll be assigned a Customer Success Manager who will act as an extension of your team to help manage, optimise and grow your on-site revenue with regular business reviews and reporting so you’re not bogged down by any extra work.


What’s on the roadmap for your company?

Our bundling products are across all customer touchpoints and have been designed to optimise every part of the customer journey. From searching in Google, all the way through to checkout on-site. We’re currently working on beta versions of our bundling for Facebook and Instagram and tools for in-store sales reps. Watch this space!


Three words that best describe your company…go!

It’s hard to pick just three! Innovative, fast-paced & always curious.


To learn more about Increasingly, register to attend our upcoming Partner Perspective webinar. 


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