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[Case Study] Goalie Monkey Scores Big by Making Bottom to Top-Funnel Partner Switch with Partnerize

Mar 21, 2023

Vice President of Customer Solutions

Following the lows of the pandemic, like so many other brands, hockey equipment and apparel retailer, Goalie Monkey, was experiencing prolonged stagnancy. Working with last-click partners in the affiliate channel simply wasn’t netting them the pre-pandemic-level revenue necessary for growth.


However, using the Partnerize Discover technology, high-value content partner, GoalieCoaches, was recruited from a competing platform where they were successfully promoting Goalie Monkey’s biggest competitor. With an agreement to be assigned Preferred Partner status and receive a set commission rate in exchange for providing ongoing placements, attribution was shifted from all last-click partners and applied to Goalie Coaches.


Within roughly a year, GoalieCoaches.com has generated $265K in incremental revenue for Goalie Monkey with 19% of that total revenue (roughly $50K) the direct result of being assigned Preferred Publisher status. You can learn more about how Goalie Monkey found success in the affiliate channel with Partnerize by downloading the case study right here.

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