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Best-Fit Partner Recruitment for the Holidays and Beyond!

Dec 03, 2021

Product Marketing Manager

For marketers, building a diversified partner ecosystem is key to expanding reach and driving profitable growth.  Partnerize makes discovering best-fit partners to find and convert your target audience at scale easy, enabling recruitment from a limitless ecosystem of partners easily accessible directly in the platform.  


And, it’s not too late to recruit partners that can play a role in your success story throughout Q4 and beyond! Discover, the Partnerize platform’s recruitment engine, automates tedious tasks associated with partner recruitment and simplifies the process of finding and activating right-fit partners so that you can:

  • Easily activate supply side partnerships. Find and recruit best-match partners from Partnerize’s existing partner base with one-click invitations to your partner program. This gives you access to partners that are already joined to Partnerize, and will be looking for new promotional opportunities to share with their audience.
  • Explore limitless prospective partners from the broader digital ecosystem. Discover’s Prospects presents you with the opportunity to recruit from an infinite supply of partners that do not yet work with Partnerize but are open to new partnership possibilities, including an additional 3.5 million prospective partnerships and advanced competitive intelligence powered by the platform’s SaaS-exclusive Publisher Discovery integration.
  • Get in touch with targeted partners. Deploy custom-curated emails to partners that you’ve invited to your program. By reaching out to prospective partners,  you have the opportunity to say exactly what you want to get across about your campaign and products, and really sell the partnership opportunity to the partner. Therefore, be sure to make the most of the email capabilities by including  images, links to your site or social media, information about your brand and details for what they will get out of the partnership. Overall, the goal is to make sure that the partner will have every reason to accept your invitation!


Get started today by visiting Discover.  Not a Partnerize client yet?  Learn more about how Partnerize can help you maximize the benefits of the partnership channel by getting in touch at contact@partnerize.com.

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