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[WEBINAR SIGN UP] Partner Perspective: Global Savings Group

Oct 22, 2021

Partnerize works with some of the most successful and influential publisher partners in the industry. Our Publisher Perspective series sets out to learn from the best of the best and pick up a few secrets to their success along the way.


In this installment, we highlight Global Savings Group with the help of their Global Commercial Director, Laura Meunier. 



Share a little about your company.

Laura Meunier: Global Savings Group is Europe’s largest shopping rewards company with an international footprint in more than 20 markets. We provide people with access to the best savings, cashback, deals, product inspiration, reviews, and overall value. We make our platform free and easy-to-use, so people can always shop with confidence.

We have established a comprehensive portfolio of leading consumer brands and solutions. Our ambition is to create rewarding moments for consumers and empower them to make the best shopping decisions in a smart, fair, and enjoyable way.


Please describe a typical day in your office.

LM: As a Global Commercial Director, my role is to provide the best support to our local commercial teams across the world. Due to the pandemic most of my day is now spent in front of the computer screen in zoom meetings working with different colleagues in different continents on different strategies. I love how technology has broken down borders, but I’m also looking forward to a typical day in the office wherever, meeting people in person, in the same actual room without a computer screen between.


What types of programs is your team looking to partner with?

LM: We are interested in a wide range of sectors such as finance, insurance, retail, technology, media and travel.


Can you share a success highlight from your partnership with Partnerize that really stands out to you?

LM: We have had regular calls with our Partnerize Publisher Manager both at a local and global level to run through our in-app tracking presentation and the list of brands we would like to reach out to. Partnerize has then approached the brand or introduced us to their relevant people in order to facilitate conversations. This year, Partnerize has also supported GSG with the App innovations PMA entry. Writing a testimonial praising GSG and how much we have helped to bring this topic to light. This helped us get through to the final selection.


What Partnerize technology innovation has had the greatest impact on your team?

LM: Partnerize App Tracking links are easy to set up. This has helped GSG to integrate more partners than most networks – including adidas. The updated reporting is also really easy to use when pulling on a brand or brands level.


What sets your company apart from others or makes it unique?

LM: From the start, we realised that we had a service that both people and brands wanted, and that we needed to bring it to as many of them around the world as possible. We therefore expanded our services globally to the main markets whilst maintaining local expertise through our local hubs (Paris, London, Munich, Amsterdam, Madrid, Atlanta, São Paulo, Kuala Lumpur…), thus benefiting from a real knowledge and realtime reactions of the different markets. Something that has become even more important in the last 18 months as each market has been going through it’s own unique situation. This global/local combination has helped us to use our learnings from one market to foresee possible outcomes in another too.

We also work closely with the largest media in each of the countries where we operate (CNN, Daily Mail, Le Monde, Focus, El Pais) and, as a result, we offer advertisers the opportunity to engage audiences across the Consumer Decision Journey.

This growing commitment to broadening our presence across the CDJ is part of our strategy to not only empower consumers and brands across the globe but wherever they need us in the whole world of shopping too.

With that in mind we have also acquired and partnered with some very innovative companies in other areas of the shoppers journey like loyalty and rewards where we can add even more value and trust.


What do you attribute your company’s success to with Partnerize?

LM: Partnerize has been a valuable partner for GSG especially on tracking topics, running regular webinars and deep dive sessions about the future of tracking. Partnerize is also an important driver for the adoption of in-app tracking within the affiliate industry.


What is one thing people should know about your company?

LM: We are a Customer Centric Company. We started quite small but we always thought big, and as we have grown so has our emphasis on putting the consumer at the heart of all we do.


What’s on the roadmap for your company?

LM: We are constantly evolving to not only meet the demands of a consumer and brands, but to exceed them too. And as we look to the future we see ourselves as more than just a bridge between consumers, brands and publishers, we are here to help them all create and enjoy the perfect shopping experience through diverse products and services from coupons to rewards and everything in between. A shopping experience where consumers are effortlessly able to find all the inspiration, information, offers and rewards they need to make every purchase a great purchase. A purchase that satisfies their wants and needs and builds connection and love for the brands that created the product and service, and the publisher that gave them the valuable advice needed.


Three words that best describe your company…go!

LM: Comprehensive, Customer Centric


To learn more about Global Savings Group and their other businesses, register to attend our upcoming Partner Perspective webinar. 

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