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Take a Data Deep Dive with Partnerize’s Reporting Suite

Dec 28, 2021

Senior Product Manager

eMarketer projected that 2021 holiday shopping season would drive an incremental 9% in US retail sales year over year to reach $1.12 trillion—the strongest growth rate since 1999. With the major Q4 shopping holidays in the rearview mirror, marketers are evaluating the outcomes of their holiday strategies and leveraging these actionable insights for Q1 planning.


Whether you need a performance summary or a deep dive into holiday shopping season success metrics, Partnerize has you covered. Easily uncover your results through integrated reporting:

    • Dashboard summary. Get a high-level overview of holiday program performance for a custom duration in Partnerize’s dashboard which puts key program metrics front-and-center. Get started by selecting a custom duration to populate clicks, conversions, return on ad spend (ROAS), average order value (AOV), top partners and products and more. You can also update this view to display results in your desired currency.
    • Combined view. Leverage report builder’s combined view for granular insights into partner performance on desired metrics, including product-specific transactions, coupon code usage, device type, country, creatives and more. For example, select any partner or group of partners as well as a product SKU to understand the quantity of that item sold by those partners in a specific period of time. This insight plays a key role in identifying best-match partners for future exclusive offers and featured placements.
    • Performance indicators. Quickly gain insight into channel trends with performance indicators. Using the color-coded visuals in the Performance Report, you can quickly derive actionable insights for metrics that matter most including clicks and transactions, get a pulse on program performance trends for strategy building against historical results and efficiently understand successes or areas for optimization at a glance.
    • Creative performance. Gain transparency into the performance of specific creative by leveraging the Content report which serves up easily digestible visuals for hourly content and placement results. Filter by clicks, impressions, conversions or commission, desired currency and time period for visibility into creative-specific results or placement overview.
    • Coupon code reporting. If your holiday promotions included a discount code for your partners, coupon code reporting enables you to check in on how the offer performed. Leverage the dedicated voucher report to evaluate transactions that include a coupon code, or use the report builder’s combined view to include coupons as one of the combination metrics to evaluate code redemption results for specific partners, partner groups, revenue thresholds and more.
  • Transaction report. Evaluate results at the transaction level with Partnerize’s transaction report which provides order-level details such as partner that drove the sale, order value, commission, currency, click and conversion time and more. 


In addition to leveraging integrated reporting to identify successes and optimizations, Partnerize also enables you to save custom searches to make your most important metrics easily accessible in the future, as well as download or email reporting views directly from the platform–functionality that makes democratizing your successes easier than ever. 


If you’re interested in learning more about how Partnerize’s integrated reporting suite makes uncovering actionable insights simple, get in touch at contact@Partnerize.com.

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