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Drive Results with Branded, Event-Based Partner Communications

Nov 24, 2021

Product Marketing Manager

For marketers, building mutually beneficial relationships with partners and keeping them engaged with your campaigns is a vital part of driving profitable growth.  Keeping partners up to date with your latest product releases, promotions and brand message is an important (and ongoing) task in partner marketing. With Partnerize’s integrated communications tool, marketers can take a hands-off approach to nurturing mutually beneficial relationships with right-fit partners. 


Branded Communication Deployment

For marketers, delivering messages in the appropriate branding is equally as important as providing updates to their partners. In addition to the ability to customize messages to an individual or group of partners, integrated communication functionality enables users to easily inject HTML code directly into messaging. With the ability to add custom HTML into messages, you can include images, banners, set styles and creative links directly into communications–features that eliminate steps for partners seeking the most relevant creative for their audience. Further, the ability to tailor newsletter templates enables marketers to align their partner channel communications with their branded communication aesthetic.


Implement Automated, Event-Based Touchpoints

Partnerize’s integrated communications tool implementation of event-based rules and triggers–hyper-personalized, action-based messaging that enhances partner management.  By implementing event-based email triggers to your partners, you’re automating personalized messages that keep partners engaged and active with touchpoints that: 

  • Create a first impression. Implement automated welcome messages to new partners after the application approval process. This touchpoint can provide instant information about the benefits of their program, commission structures, current promotions, collaboration opportunities, or other relevant information that creates a valuable first impression. 
  • Drive engagement. Once partners are further into the relationship, you can use activity-based rules to encourage engagement, and reinforce goals.  If your partners are not driving regular conversions, you can use conversion activity rules to trigger automated communication after a set period of inactivity. 
  • Incent results.  Trigger an automated email to partners that are underperforming, or those that haven’t driven a transaction in an identified duration.  These messages can offer support with the program, point towards the most relevant promotional content or open lines of communication to chat further about what their audience would want to see from your brand in order to convert.  This affords them the capability to automatically stay on top of underperforming partners without the need for manual monitoring and intervention.


Sophisticated Communication Deployment in Action

For one of our retail fashion clients leveraging the Partnerize platform, automated deployment of custom partner communications has become a vital tool in their communication strategy, enabling them to easily produce and deploy branded newsletters and special announcements–no effort from their internal design team required. The fashion brand values the ability to deliver a branded experience to their partners, and can easily include product images from their site which auto-populate tracking links to each partner.  Some examples of how they have achieved this include:

  • Launching a sale with varying promotional  markdowns (50% , 60% , and 70% off) across a one month period. The brand was able to schedule emails in advance to streamline deployment with the launch of each markdown.  By using custom templates, they were able to quickly and easily communicate sale information, include product images of sale item highlights with direct links to the items on their site, and also reinforce the availability of banner content for partners in the Partnerize platform.
  • Promoting a new customer offer to their partners. The retail brand provided a 10% first order discount to any new signups.  This gives the client an opportunity to reengage with their partners and incentivize them to drive new customers.
  • Creating seasonal, regional promotions. The brand was able to automate deployment of regionally-relevant messages such as Lunar New Year discount for the APAC region, as well as deploy a Holiday Gift Guide paired with seasonal discounts for Q4 shoppers.


By combining the ability to customize branded communications and deploy to targeted recipients, the fashion retail brand is able to easily deploy the most effective messaging to the right partners with minimal steps.


Tap into the Partnerize platform’s communications capabilities by visiting the partner communications tool.  Not a Partnerize client yet?  Learn more about how Partnerize can help you maximize the benefits of the partnership channel. Get in touch at contact@partnerize.com.


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